The QTLC was recently invited to provide a submission to the 2012 Review of the National Transport Commission (NTC) and Other Relevant Transport Bodies.

Transport Ministers agreed in November 2011 to conduct a review of the National Transport Commission (NTC), Austroads, ARRB Group Limited (ARRB), Transport Certification Australia (TCA) and the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB). The review is to examine the role and functions of these bodies going forward with the commencement of new national transport regulatory systems including the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) in January 2013.

Established in 2003, the NTC’s current role is to develop, monitor and maintain uniform or nationally consistent regulatory operational reforms relating to road, rail and intermodal transport and to develop road user charging principles for heavy vehicles.

The QTLC submission noted that the establishment of the NHVR and the development of model law have faltered with significant delays and a widely held expectation that many elements of the reform will not be in place for commencement in January 2013.

Reflecting findings of a 2009 review, the QTLC recommended that that the NTC be given an active role in facilitating implementation of reforms, project prioritisation and reporting to inform and deliver better reform results.

The QTLC submission also argues that, beyond the establishment of the NHVR, the NTC should retain an independent and ongoing role to monitor the implementation outcomes of the reforms and to identify and respond to heavy vehicle regulation issues that may warrant additional reforms, policies or operational frameworks to maintain the objectives of the harmonisation process.

Click here to view the QTLC submission, including other recommendations