Neil Findlay QTLC Chair was invited to speak at Queensland Agricultural Merchant (QAM) Annual General Meeting.  The topic of discussion was the history of agriculture and how the pressures, changes and competitive global nature of agricultural trade indicate that a first class supply chains is essential to remain competitive

Neil referred to the challenges that exist in the Agriculture sector today and the benefits of being adaptive to the changes which have the potential improve the supply chain efficiencies.

“The Queensland Government has introduced a clear 4 pillar strategy to drive our economy forward. Not surprisingly agriculture is one of the 4, and a key to our long term prosperity. There is a vision to double Queensland agricultural production over the next 30 years.”

“Australia is renowned globally for its quality, clean food products so we have something to sell. Yet, to play on the global stage we must be able to compete. Queensland, and Australia have some of the worlds most productive and competitive farmers, (largely subsidy free) but bottlenecks and hurdles exist in getting this produce to market.” Neil advised.

Technology solutions will feature in efforts to measure, monitor and maximise asset performance; Government policy and regulation must of necessity align with the long term objectives and aspirations of our industries; modal, sectoral and regional collaboration and cooperation will be essential to optimize the efficiencies of our supply chains.