The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) released the draft “Moving Freight” plan 26th June 2013. The plan provides a policy direction for managing Queensland’s increasing freight demands with a vision “to ensure the freight system is continually receptive and responsive to customers’ needs, changing industry requirements and growing economic activity.”

The importance of the freight task and its role as a key economic driver is highlighted in the draft Moving Freight plan. Freight growths being supported by actions identified in the plans 6 priorities:

  1. Expand the use of rail freight
  2. Increase road freight network access
  3. Greater freight infrastructure investment
  4. Support future freight growth
  5. Better freight policy and information
  6. Engage industry for better freight outcomes

To view the Moving Freight plan please click here, please direct any feedback you wish to provide on the report to roadsrail&  The deadline to submit feedback is 12 August.