The collection of freight and logistics data is integral to assessing freight movement and gaining a greater understanding of the blockages to its efficiency. The IMEX Study commissioned by the Port of Brisbane (POB) and QTLC is now finalised and the summary report will be available on the QTLC website by the end of July .

The IMEX study provides robust data on:

  • traffic volumes
  • freight movement and flow maps
  • trade volumes

The study aims to:

  • Provide an understanding of:
    • The landside movement of intermodal commodities including:
      • All full and empty import and export containers through the Port of Brisbane (the ‘Port’)
      • All full and empty containers moved through Acacia Ridge and the Brisbane Multimodal Terminal (BMT)
      • And the landside movements of particular commodities, specifically
        • Motor vehicles
        • Bulk coal, cereals and grains
        • Break bulk, in particular Steel, Project cargo (wide and heavy loads)
  • Map landside movements showing key routes and traffic flows
  • Understand supply chains for each commodity type including restrictions or potential restrictions (industry pathway analysis)
  • Establish current and contestable boundaries for each commodity and understand the barriers to entry
  • Describe supply chain factors influencing freight volumes, movements and modal choice

The study highlights the importance of obtaining robust data on commodities and factors influencing modal choice and contestability.

The data collected on origin and destination of containers data provides a snapshot of what is occurring in the container supply chain and an overview of port export activity.     QTLC, Chair Neil Findlay said “Its virtual estimate of truck kilometres for carting containers into and out of the port could prove very useful for mounting an argument for greater rail utilisation.”