Industry Links
Government Bodies

The National Transport Commission (NTC)
The NTC is an independent statutory body headed by six commissioners. Its role is to lead national transport regulatory reform to meet the needs of transport users and the broader community for safe, efficient and sustainable land transport. The NTC works in close partnership with the road and rail transport sectors, the government, transport agencies and regulators to develop practical land transport reforms to improve transport productivity, efficiency, safety and environmental performance and regulatory efficiency in a nationally consistent manner.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is Australia’s first national, independent Regulator for all vehicles over 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass. It currently manages National Heavy Vehicle Accrediation Scheme accreditations and Performane-Based Standards Scheme design and vehicle approvals nationally. Later in 2013, we will administer one set of laws for heavy vehicles under the Heavy Vehicle National Heavy National Law (HVNL) delivering a comprehensive range of services under a consistent regulatory framework .

Austroads is the association of Australian and New Zealand road transport and traffic authorities consisting of members from State and Territory road transport and traffic authorities, the Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, the Australian Local Government Association, and Transit New Zealand. Austroads’ purpose is to contribute to the achievement of improved Australian and New Zealand road transport related outcomes. It undertakes nationally strategic research, facilitates collaboration between Australian road agencies, promotes harmonisation, consistency and uniformity in road and related operations and provides expert advice.
Non Transport Government Bodies

Council of Australian Governments (COAG)
COAG is the peak intergovernmental forum in Australia. COAG comprises the Prime Minister, State Premiers, Territory Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association. The role of COAG is to initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of policy reforms that are of national significance and which require cooperative action by Australian Governments. COAG has 7 working groups. This includes the Infrastructure working group. Its objective is the better coordination of infrastructure planning and investment across governments and the private sector in Australia Agreements on policy reforms including road and rail freight infrastructure pricing, road and rail safety regulation, performance based standards for innovative heavy vehicles are contained in the outcomes of meetings held by COAG. Information on the COAG meetings is available from the COAG website at

Productivity Commission (PC)
The PC undertakes research and provides advice to the Australian Government on a range of economic, social and environment issues affecting Australia. Its core function is to conduct public enquiries on key policy or regulatory issues affecting Australia’s economic performance and community well being. As an advisory body, it seeks to assist governments to make better policies for a more productive economy. Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government: The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government provides policy advice and delivers a variety of programs on behalf of the Australian Government. In addition to its advisory and regulatory functions, the Department has a key policy role in promoting the integration of transport and regional development, promoting safe and secure transport solutions, providing a framework for competition between and within transport modes, promoting a transport system that is accessible, sustainable and environmentally responsible and providing funding for transport infrastructure.

Infrastructure Australia
Infrastructure Australia is a new national body tasked with developing a blueprint for unlocking infrastructure bottlenecks and modernising Australia’s transport, water, energy and communications assets. Infrastructure Australia is made up of 11 members consisting of representatives from the private sector, Local Government, the Commonwealth and States and Territories. Infrastructure Australia will provide advice to Australian Governments about infrastructure gaps and bottle necks that hinder economic growth and prosperity. It will also identify investment priorities and policy and regulatory reforms that will be necessary to enable timely and coordinated delivery of national infrastructure investment.
Competition Bodies

National Competition Council (NCC)
The NCC was established by Australian governments in 1995 to act as a policy advisory body to oversee their implementation of National Competition Policy. The NCC comprises four part time councillors. The NCC main roles are to assess government’s progress in implementing National Competition Policy reforms and to make recommendations on competition payments, advise on the design and coverage of access rules under the national access regime, undertake community education and communication covering both specific reform implementation matters and National Competition Policy generally and undertake other specific projects requested by Australian Governments.

Australian Competition Consumer Commission (ACCC)
The ACCC is an independent statutory authority. It was formed in 1995 to administer the Trade Practices Act 1974. The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in the market place to benefit consumers, business and the community and regulates national infrastructure industries. The ACCC promotes competition in industries such as communications, energy, water, and transport through prices oversight and
administering third party access regimes for monopoly infrastructure assets.

Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)
The QCA is an independent Statutory Authority consisting of members appointed by the Governor in Council. QCA main responsibilities are to ensure that significant government business activities which compete with the private sector do so fairly, government and private owned monopolies do not abuse their market power and essential infrastructure is accessible to all potential users. The QCA seeks to produce sensible, forward-looking solutions and recommendations which are capable of practical implementation and which facilitate compliance within Queensland with the principles of National Competition Policy.
Representative Bodies

Australian Freight Councils Network (AFCN)
The AFCN is a formal coalition of freight and logistics councils operating in Australia. A key role of the AFCN is to identify and address constraints and impediments to the efficient operation of supply chains and Australia’s Transport and Logistics industry generally. Members of the AFCN endeavour to realise synergies and increase communication on issues of both state and national significance.

Australian Logistics Council (ALC)
The Australian Logistics Council is a peak national body representing the major and national companies in the Australian freight transport and logistics supply chain. ALC is a leading national advocacy organisation on freight transport and logistics supply chain regulation and infrastructure issues.

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia (CILTA)
The CILT is a national professional institution that represents the transport and logistics industry in Australia. The CILT comprises members of the transport and logistics Industry. It seeks to provide leadership in research, policy and professional development and supports continuous improvement in the transport and logistics industry.

Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA)
The Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA) is Australia’s largest association for Supply Chain and Logistics professionals and practitioners which has served the profession for four decades in various forms most recently as the Logistics Association of Australia. The SCLAA has established divisions in all states; at the National level the SCLAA conducts the annual Supply Chain and Logistics Conference and a National Awards ceremony. The structure and local representation of the SCLAA at the state level maximises the relevance of activities.
Road Industry

Australian Trucking Association (ATA)
The ATA is the national peak body that unites the entire trucking industry to provide a single, authoritative voice on relevant issues of national importance. Members of the ATA are state and sector based trucking associations of the nation’s largest transport enterprises and the Transport Workers Union. The ATA undertakes research, consults and informs, and develops and advocates policy that aims to improve the safety, environmental record and viability of the industry

Australian Road Train Association (ARTA)
The ARTA is a not-for-profit industry advocacy organisation run by the Australian road train and multi-combination sector, representing those whose livelihoods are committed to meeting that challenge.

Queensland Trucking Association (QTA)
The QTA is the principal Trucking/Road Freight Industry Association in Queensland, with members servicing all sectors of the urban, regional and long distance freight industry. The QTA actively represents members’ interests and provides a wide range of member services on a state and regional basis.

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia (CILTA)
The CILT is a national professional institution that represents the transport and logistics industry in Australia. The CILT comprises members of the transport and logistics Industry. It seeks to provide leadership in research, policy and professional development and supports continuous improvement in the transport and logistics industry.
Rail Industry

Australasian Rail Association (ARA)
The ARA is a member based association that represents the interests of the rail sector in Australia and New Zealand. The fundamental purpose of the ARA is to create an environment that allows the Australian rail industry to prosper. The ARA is actively involved in the development of rail industry policy to ensure the industry’s views are represented when decisions that affect it are being made. The ARA also assists its members by providing relevant information including new research on a wide range of topics affecting the rail industry including communications, safety and infrastructure.
Maritime Industry

Association of Australian Ports and Maritime Authorities (AAPMA)
The AAPMA Inc. is the peak body representing the interests of ports and marine authorities in Australia. The Association works closely with other peak maritime bodies, other industry associations and Federal Government agencies. It does not take up state issues in a direct manner, but looks at all issues from a national viewpoint

Maritime Industry Australia Ltd (MIAL)
The ASA promotes the interests of the industry with respect to government policy, human resources, operations and the environment. The ASA also fulfils the role of Australia’s national shipowner association in dealing with public inquiries, commenting on matters from time to time in the media, speaking at public forums on the shipping industry, maintaining a database of materials collected by the secretariat and representing the Association in international forums and so on.

Shipping Australia Limited (SAL)
The major focus of SAL, as a peak industry body, is to advance the interests of ship owners and shipping agents in all matters of shipping policy and safe environmentally sustainable ship operations. SAL members cover many of the major Australian and international ship owners, operators and agency companies involved in bulk, tanker, general cargo shipping, container, passenger and tramp trades.

International Maritime Organisation
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is a United Nations agency that coordinates international maritime safety and related practices. Its headquarters are located in London. The IMO promotes cooperation among governments and the shipping industry to improve maritime safety and to prevent marine pollution. It has a focus on regulatory development that guides its member states to improve safety at sea and protect the maritime environment.
Air Industry

The International Air Transport Association (IATA)
IATA is an international trade body representing 240 airlines which comprise 94% of scheduled international air traffic. The organisation represents leads and serves the airline industry in general. It develops the commercial standards of the global airline industry.