by Nic ki | Apr 10, 2013 | Latest News
2012 proved to be an extremely productive year, with the QTLC already achieving many of the strategic priorities and goals projected for the 2011 – 14 period. The QTLC’s Annual Report 2012, outlines the activities undertaken by the Council.
2013 will see the QTLC continue to pursue better freight transport and logistics data collection and management arrangements as well as actions that promote the efficient and productive movement of freight focus on working with government to address priorities identified in Strengthening Supply Chains 2013-2015.
The QTLC looks forward to another productive year as it continues to focus on working with government and the transport and logistics industry to deliver whole of supply chain solutions that promote the sustainable movement of freight.
To peruse the Annual Report CLICK HERE
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese released Australia’s first National Land Freight Strategy on 7 September. The strategy aims to build and maintain a modern, well-planned, efficient and safe freight and logistics network that supports Australia’s future economic development.
“The release of the Strategy provides a unique opportunity to fix the regulatory and infrastructure failures that have constrained miners, manufacturers and farmers and cost the Australian economy tens of billions of dollars in lost export earnings”, Mr Albanese said
Mr Albanese acknowledged the magnitude of managing the freight task and the associated challenges “Our freight and logistics network is the lifeblood of the Australian economy, but
at present it is struggling to cope with the existing demands being placed on it, let alone the doubling in freight volumes expected between now and 2030,” he said.
The Strategy is underpinned by a number of key principles, including:
• One national, integrated network
• Better use of our existing infrastructure:
•Fairer, more sustainable financing arrangements:
•Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure (SCOTI) considered the Strategy at its 9th November meeting and agreed to the vision, objectives and principles that will underpin further development of the National Land Freight Strategy.
The next step will be for the nation’s senior transport and Infrastructure Officials to work together to develop an action plan to give effect to the Strategy’s vision. The draft work
plan to implement the Strategy will be developed in close consultation with Infrastructure Australia, the National Transport Commission, industry and local government and will be
considered by SCOTI at its first meeting in 2013.
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
he Over Dimensional Vehicle / Cargo Workshop was held on the 26 July. Hosted by the Port of Brisbane, the objective of the Workshop was to identify impediments to the efficient transport of over dimensional (OD) cargo from the Port of Brisbane using supply chain corridors to the Surat, Bowen and Galilee basins.
The Workshop was well attended by representatives from the QTLC, Port of Brisbane, heavy haulage industry, Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) and CSG companies.
The high number of movements expected into the Surat Basin and the curfew arrangements on over dimensional loads during Christmas and Easter periods emerged as critical impediments to the efficient movement of excess dimensional loads.
In response, the QTLC has approached TMR and written to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) on behalf of industry supply chains to seek an exemption from the 2012 Christmas curfew on travel restrictions for over dimensional loads.
To ensure the sustainability of all supply chains in the Surat Basin, the QTLC is participating in the LNG Surat Basin Supply Chain Group convened by TMR. With representatives across the whole supply chain including TMR, QTA, Toowoomba Regional Council, QPS, heavy haulage operators, Port of Brisbane and Queensland Rail, the Group is undertaking activities aimed at developing suitable marshalling/rest stop areas as well as over taking lanes along the route to Charleville from the Port and managing the impacts on contraflow supply chains such as cotton, grain and beef.
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
On the 21st November, NSW Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay MLC released the draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy.
Aiming to provide a framework for industry, all levels of government and stakeholders to guide investment and other decisions to enhance freight logistics in NSW, the draft Strategy identifies a series of actions to achieve network efficiency, capacity and sustainability through government mechanisms including policy reform, program delivery and infrastructure investment.
The draft Strategy also responds to Infrastructure Australia’s National Port Strategy and the National Land Freight Strategy and is consistent with the objectives of the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan.
The draft Strategy was developed following consultation with freight operators, commodity producers and industry representatives from a range of industries across metropolitan and regional NSW. Community perspectives on topics such as congestion, noise and emissions have also informed the development of freight specific objectives which reflect the importance of the freight transport network for a competitive and productive NSW economy, as well as the need to integrate freight transport with other productive and non-productive activities and land uses.
For more information on the draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy, or to provide comments, go to
The final Strategy is due to be released in mid 2013.
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
Cannon Logistics’ successful Freight Smart Grant Scheme proposal was the trialling and testing of IceCOLD® Synthetic Catalyst Technology (IceCOL®).
Trialling of Ice Cold was conducted on refrigerated fleet truck in a variety of operating environments to validate the performance of the product. The results demonstrated that IceCOLD delivers diesel fuel and carbon emission savings of greater than 30% for refrigerated transport. The average fuel savings was 20% and the return on investment for the installation of IceCOLD® was delivered within an average of 7.46 months.
The IceCOLD® system works by restoring the lost efficiency caused by the normally occurring “oil fouling “of heat exchangers in refrigeration and air conditioning and can be applied to the Australian refrigerated logistics industry.
For further information please contact Jason Henshaw, Sales Director – IceCold @
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
In2 Green was the product which emerged from Strategix Training Groups successful submission for the Freight Smart Grant Scheme. The grants were offered by the QTLC and the Department of Transport and Main Roads to encourage innovative solutions to minimise greenhouse emission for the delivery of more effective freight network.
The In2Green program is designed to provide industry with ten easy steps to follow to cut emissions and establish more sustainable workplace practices, environments and system. In2Green product consists of an In2 Green; Workbook, Instruction DVD, Template CD. It outlines programs such as eco-driving and smart planning applied to vehicles, including trucks demonstrating efficiencies gained by implementing these programs. Eco drive trials have resulted in the reduction of fuel burn at an average of 22%.
Seminars were conducted in Townsville, Gladstone, Brisbane and Gold Coast to promote the product and its benefit. Seminar attendees provided positive feedback on the potential of In2Green to; reduce their carbon footprint and to contribute to productivity gains.
If you would like to receive an In2Green pack please contact Nicki Milios via email,