by Nic ki | Jul 24, 2013 | Latest News
The collection of freight and logistics data is integral to assessing freight movement and gaining a greater understanding of the blockages to its efficiency. The IMEX Study commissioned by the Port of Brisbane (POB) and QTLC is now finalised and the summary report will be available on the QTLC website by the end of July .
The IMEX study provides robust data on:
- traffic volumes
- freight movement and flow maps
- trade volumes
The study aims to:
- Provide an understanding of:
- The landside movement of intermodal commodities including:
- All full and empty import and export containers through the Port of Brisbane (the ‘Port’)
- All full and empty containers moved through Acacia Ridge and the Brisbane Multimodal Terminal (BMT)
- And the landside movements of particular commodities, specifically
- Motor vehicles
- Bulk coal, cereals and grains
- Break bulk, in particular Steel, Project cargo (wide and heavy loads)
- Map landside movements showing key routes and traffic flows
- Understand supply chains for each commodity type including restrictions or potential restrictions (industry pathway analysis)
- Establish current and contestable boundaries for each commodity and understand the barriers to entry
- Describe supply chain factors influencing freight volumes, movements and modal choice
The study highlights the importance of obtaining robust data on commodities and factors influencing modal choice and contestability.
The data collected on origin and destination of containers data provides a snapshot of what is occurring in the container supply chain and an overview of port export activity. QTLC, Chair Neil Findlay said “Its virtual estimate of truck kilometres for carting containers into and out of the port could prove very useful for mounting an argument for greater rail utilisation.”
by Nic ki | Jun 26, 2013 | Latest News
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has released its Draft Moving Freight Strategy and is seeking industry feedback. The document outlines Queensland’s strategy and policy direction for managing the demands on the freight system for the next 10 years.
The four key functions of the Moving Freight strategy are to:
- Provide clear direction about government’s policy for the freight system
- Deliver actions to target freight investment and the movement of freight by the most efficient mode over the short and long term.
- Facilitate development of key transport infrastructure to support seamless modal integration
- Ensure safety and security of freight vehicles on the transport system.
To view a copy of the draft Moving Freight strategy please click here Moving Freight Strategy.
Any feedback you would like to make on the strategy is to be directed to roadsrail&
by Nic ki | Jun 4, 2013 | Latest News
When fine tuning Queensland’s economy, supply chains matter!
Economic growth can be stimulated using an innovative approach to achieving low cost efficiency improvements in the freight system to benefit Queensland supply chains.
The Queensland Transport and Logistics Council (QTLC) has developed a forward-looking plan to improve supply chain efficiency in the state, without major infrastructure spending.
More effective movement of freight will be vital to maintain much-needed growth in industry sectors on which the future prosperity of Queensland relies.
Responding to an identified a lack of useful data on supply chains and freight flows , the QTLC engaged Pekol Traffic and Transport to pull together available reliable data and has unveiled a comprehensive snapshot of the logistics landscape in Queensland.
With an overarching objective to help the State Government develop improved supply chain policy and freight investment, the QTLC has identified opportunities to address supply chain efficiencies for the benefit of Queenslanders, industry and the Queensland economy.
The Sunshine State’s economy is built on industries dependant on freight movements, like agriculture, mining, manufacturing and construction. As a result, the state’s supply chains account for 25 percent of Australia’s demand for freight services. Economic growth is set to put further demand on an, already stretched, infrastructure. The QTLC plan clearly identifies and precisely targets the efficiencies possible within the constraints of the existing freight system, to help Queensland cope with an increasing demand.
The plan is published in a QTLC report called “Strengthening Queensland’s Supply Chains” in which a number of strategic and operational recommendations are laid out, intended to make Queensland supply chains more efficient, productive and sustainable.
“This project presents industry viewpoints about how the Queensland and Local Governments can reform policy settings and adopt innovation to increase supply chain efficiencies for the benefit of all,” says QTLC Chairman, Neil Findlay. “The QTLC intends to submit the report to the Queensland government and work with the Department of Transport and Main Roads, as the lead agency, to achieve the objectives of the recommendations.”
Supply chain efficiency is vital to the Queensland economy, which generates a freight tonnage larger than both New South Wales and Victoria. At the same time, the constrained investment outlook for the state means large infrastructure improvements have been put on the back burner. The QTLC report has come up with a number of smart improvements to use the current infrastructure in a more effective way and highlights areas where real efficiency gains can be obtained in both the short and long term.
Overall, 52 recommendations are laid out in the comprehensive report, coming up with pragmatic and informed solutions to allow Queensland to get the best economic outcome from the current supply chain structure.
“The report acknowledges Government’s constrained funding environment, so generally does not advocate major infrastructure projects,” says QTLC CEO, Rebecca Michael. “Accordingly, recommended actions are focused on those of a low cost, innovative, systemic nature with multiple supply chain benefits, unlocking latent efficiency and capacity in the existing freight system”
The recommendations range from the appointment of a Deputy Director General to prioritise supply chain efficiency across government departments, to changes in the way freight corridors on road and rail are co-ordinated and prioritised, as well as streamlining of planning and permission procedures to unblock bottlenecks, at the same time as reducing the administrative burden on government and industry.
The report also identifies the need to develop a Queensland Strategic Freight Model, gathering data to predict future freight flows, giving the state better targeted and prioritised infrastructure spending in the future. This data will also aid in creating vital priority freight routes around the state.
Other recommendations include the development of user pays investment methodologies to address supply chain blockages. Low cost infrastructure investment trials are also recommended, as well as reforms to address first and last mile access issues and heavy vehicle permit processes which hinder efficient freight routes.
The Strengthening Queensland’s Supply Chains Report can be viewed at .
For further information contact:
QTLC Chairman Neil Findlay –
QTLC CEO Rebecca Michael –
by Nic ki | Jun 3, 2013 | Latest News
The QTLC Releases it’s Strengthening Queensland Supply Chain 2013-2015 Report
The QTLC presents its Strengthening Queensland Supply Chain Paper Report 2013-2014 (SQSC). The report was developed to provide strategic and operational recommendations to improve the development and sustainability of efficient and productive supply chains. It is the result of an extensive review of the existing freight system and the blockages that impact supply chain efficiency.
The SQSC takes a whole of supply chain approach and looks beyond the freight network and the current environment of fiscal constraints to identify low cost, innovative, systemic solutions aimed at unlocking latent efficiency and capacity in the freight system. It also takes into consideration necessary policy, planning and process reforms required to support the future freight task in Queensland.
The QTLC looks forward to working with government and industry to strengthen supply chains for a more productive Queensland economy.
by Nic ki | Apr 10, 2013 | Latest News
Hal Morris has resigned from his position of QTLC Board Member, a position he has held since April 2009.
Hal brought the breadth of knowledge gained from 30 years experience in the public and private sectors to the role.
“The QTLC would like to acknowledge Hal’s invaluable contribution, his logistics and transport management experience will be greatly missed. We wish him all the very best in his future endeavours” said Neil Findlay, QTLC Chair.
by Nic ki | Apr 10, 2013 | Latest News
The Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) is a proposed bypass route to the north of Toowoomba, approximately 41 km in length. The TSRC will form part of the National Land Transport Network, connecting the Warrego Highway from Helidon in the east, to Charlton (west of Toowoomba), and to the Gore Highway at Athol in the west.
Projects Queensland developed a revised business case for the TSRCwhich was completed in December 2012 and submitted to Infrastructure Australia for Australian Government funding consideration.
For more information about the current business case, which has been prepared by the State Government and sent to the Federal Government for consideration – go to this website.