Queensland Government relases Draft Qld Port Strateg

October 2013, saw the release of the draft Queensland Ports Strategy (QPS) by the Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, for public consultation.

The Queensland Ports Strategy will be the Queensland Government’s blueprint for managing and improving the efficiency and environmental management of the state’s port network over the next decade.

The strategic objectives of the draft Queensland Ports Strategy include:

  • providing certainty and direction for future port planning
  • supporting environmental protection, in particular for the Great Barrier Reef
  • supporting improvements in the management and productivity of ports and the ports network
  • enhancing supply chain connections
  • facilitating the strategic use of ports.

The draft Queensland Ports Strategy outlines the key actions that will help the Queensland Government achieve its objectives and is available at www.dsdip.qld.gov.au/qps.

The QTLC’s submission to the Queensland Government’s invitation for public comment on the strategy can be found on the QTLC Website to view CLICK HERE.

QTLC presents at Queensland Agricultural Merchants AGM

Neil Findlay QTLC Chair was invited to speak at Queensland Agricultural Merchant (QAM) Annual General Meeting.  The topic of discussion was the history of agriculture and how the pressures, changes and competitive global nature of agricultural trade indicate that a first class supply chains is essential to remain competitive

Neil referred to the challenges that exist in the Agriculture sector today and the benefits of being adaptive to the changes which have the potential improve the supply chain efficiencies.

“The Queensland Government has introduced a clear 4 pillar strategy to drive our economy forward. Not surprisingly agriculture is one of the 4, and a key to our long term prosperity. There is a vision to double Queensland agricultural production over the next 30 years.”

“Australia is renowned globally for its quality, clean food products so we have something to sell. Yet, to play on the global stage we must be able to compete. Queensland, and Australia have some of the worlds most productive and competitive farmers, (largely subsidy free) but bottlenecks and hurdles exist in getting this produce to market.” Neil advised.

Technology solutions will feature in efforts to measure, monitor and maximise asset performance; Government policy and regulation must of necessity align with the long term objectives and aspirations of our industries; modal, sectoral and regional collaboration and cooperation will be essential to optimize the efficiencies of our supply chains.


Moving Freight Strategy Media Releases

The Newman Government has developed a clear direction to guide Queensland’s growing freight industry by increasing rail use and creating a more efficient road network.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the Moving Freight Strategy, endorsed by several peak industry organisations, identifies 38 actions to meet the freight demand over the next 10 years.

“Freight volumes in Queensland are expected to increase from 871 million tonnes in 2010-11 to 1643-1741 million tonnes by 2026,” Mr Emerson said.

“That will be the annual equivalent of 21.7 million more truck trips on our roads or 174,000 more freight train trips on our network.

“The previous government failed to plan for future growth, but we promised at the election to deliver better planning and infrastructure.

“If we don’t put a clear plan in place our network will grind to a halt, unable to cope with the increase in demand.

“Actions identified to get more freight on to rail and reduce road congestion include preserving train paths on regional rail lines for agricultural freight and undertaking a pre-feasibility study for a new rail freight terminal on the north side of Brisbane.

“Already we have announced up to $50 million on additional passing loops and $17 million to lower train tunnels enabling the agricultural industry to use larger containers through the ToowoombaRange and LockyerValley.

“We have also increased cattle services from Winton to Brisbane and Cloncurry to Brisbane.

“In order to better support the road freight network we are looking at reducing red tape for heavy freight vehicle permits and investigating upgrades to key freight routes on the Flinders/Barkly highways, Warrego Highway, Capricorn Highway and Peak Downs/Gregory highways.

“Queensland’s freight network is critical to our economy and plays a valuable part in each of the four pillars of tourism, agriculture, resources and construction, that we promised to grow.”

The primary freight network is made up of 13,600km of road, 9,550km of rail line, 15 trading ports, three international airports as well as multiple domestic airports and freight terminals.

Mr Emerson said the freight industry was fully supportive of the Moving Freight Strategy.

 Neil Findlay from Queensland Transport and Logisticis Council offered his support for the strategy, saying “The collaborative approach to developing Moving Freight between government and industry has enabled the identification of real freight issues and challenges.”

Another of the industry’s major bodies, AgForce Queensland said “This will ensure long term access for Agricultural fright on rail, the reduction of red tape and improvement of the road network.”

A copy of the Moving Freight strategy is available online at www.tmr.qld.gov.au/movingfreight.

 [ENDS] 12 December 2013                                        Media contact: Stephanie Shield 0418 186 625


Seminar Series “Freight in Focus”

Increasing requests for information from industry on a myriad of issues impacting the freight transport and supply chains, has prompted the QTLC to take action.  A Seminar Series – Freight in Focus commencing in 2014 will be held to tackle various emergent freight and logistics issues.

The Seminar Series will be held quarterly in consultation with the office of the Minister for Transport and Main Roads and will focus on issues that are; strategic and have broad implications for the freight and logistics sector.

Key note speakers will present divergent views on relevant issues with the aim of promoting a common understanding; and supporting activities that focus on improving efficiency and productivity.

The Seminar Series represents QTLC’s on-going commitment to responding to the needs of industry, by creating a forum for meaningful dialogue between key stakeholders.

Seminar Series details will be posted on the QTLC website when topics and dates are confirmed.



A Transport Supply Chain Study explores modal shifts in Central Queensland

The development of future mining operations in the Galilee Basin directed attention to the need for long term planning to address issues that would potentially impact supply chain efficiencies and connectivity in the region.

The federally funded Central Queensland Transport Supply Chain Study (CQTSCS) initiated by the Department of State Development and Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP) explores a modal shift of certain commodities from road to rail in Central Queensland.

Consideration is being given to the establishment of an inland port to facilitate the modal shift from road to rail of mining inputs (fuel, cement, chemicals) and agricultural exports (grain, cotton, citrus).  A modal shift of these commodities from road to rail would likely support new trade and marketing opportunities for an above rail operator.

Rail based logistics solutions being proposed have a state wide focus on the rail system connecting the ports of Gladstone and Mackay to the resource areas of the Bowen and Galilee basins.

Emerald is being considered as the location for the proposed inland port due to it proximity to new mining operations in the Galilee basin area and cotton, grain and citrus agriculture.

The QTLC together with Transport and Main Roads will hold the Central Queensland Supply Chain Forum, seeking input from regional business and industry leaders on factors underpinning supply chain optimisation.

The forum will be held in conjunction with the Central Highlands Development Corporation (CHDC) breakfast to be held on 21 February 2014 in Emerald.  For more information and to register please CLICK HERE.

Congestion Management App has benefits for the freight industry

QTLC is leading the development and implementation of a Heavy Vehicle Congestion Management (HVCM) Application(s) (App) that uses real time traffic data to inform operators of congestion and network incidences to allow enable them to take mitigating action where possible.

With freight movement expected to grow by 71.6% over the next 10 years, and roads dominating as the preferred mode, there will be increasing pressure on the network resulting in greater congestion. Recent studies show the estimated cost of SEQ transport congestion in 2008 was $1.2 billion per year with a projected growth to $3 billion per year by 2020.

The HVCM Application will enable:

  • transport operators to keep informed of congestion and network incidences that have the potential to cause delays and take mitigating action by suggesting an alternative route.
  • transport operators to estimate time taken to move through the network which will enable them to better manage critical freight time requirements.
  • transport operators to provide congestion and network updates to users within their fleet, providing commercial advantage.

Currently, operators travelling to QLD from other states must access multiple traffic information systems. The HVCM App will explore the incorporation of real time traffic data from NSW and Victoria to create cross-border integration and a streamlined system for operators.

The first HVCM Steering Committee meeting attended by QTLC, STRC, TMR was held on 5 December.