Transport and Logistics Industry Reference Committee – Australian Industry Standards

Transport and Logistics Industry Reference Committee – Australian Industry Standards

Up-skilling existing and training the new. The Transport and Logistics Industry Reference Committee has been assigned responsibility for the TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package components relating to Road Transport, Logistics, Warehousing and Ports.

Australian Industry Standards interviews the chair – Mark McKenzie on his predictions for future needs of the transport and logistics industry. 

Click here to read more.

Courtesy of Australian Industry Standards.

Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, the wait is over

Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, the wait is over

The Toowoomba Second Range Crossing has long been one of the highest infrastructure priorities for Queensland and with $1.6 billion investment from the Commonwealth and State Government, it is now a reality. 

Nexus Infrastructure began construction of the 41km heavy vehicle route in 2015 and in September 2018 the bypass will finally open just in time for the Toowoomba flower festival. 

“Connecting the Warrego Highway at Helidon Spa in the east to the Gore Highway at Athol in the west, the new Toowoomba Second Range Crossing will form a vital strategic link within Australia’s National Freight Network and Toowoomba’s emerging intermodal network,” Mr McCormack said

The TRSC will create a safer, faster and more efficient route for connecting freight to major ports and markets. Toowoomba is a significant regional hub and the surrounding regions rich agricultural, gas and mining outputs contribute 20 per cent of the Port of Brisbane commodity exports.

Census data from 2012 indicates 23,000 vehicles crossed the range daily including 3,500 heavy vehicles. Primary production and general freight made up over 90 per cent of truck movements with an additional 2.7 per cent OSOM, 3.2 per cent FMCs, and 3 per cent fuel transport. 

The Queensland Transport and Logistics Council has long advocated for the construction of the TSRC providing a number of critical reports includingA Focus on Freight – Toowoomba Second Range Crossing and Future Freight in Queensland from a Global Supply Chain promoting the productivity benefits of enabling higher performance vehicle access to the route. 

Extended B-Triple (or similar HPV) access is one of the most significant potential benefits of the TSRC, with a direct benefit for the Dinmore abattoir, which is the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, processing 3350 head per day. Queensland has almost half of Australia’s cattle herd and the majority of the states feedlots and processing capacity is in the south east corner. 

QTLC advocated for larger livestock truck combinations to have access direct to JBS at Dinmore as the optimal outcome for safety, efficiency and productivity. In choosing the alternative option of Gatton as a break down point QTLC believes an effluent facility at the site will provide considerable benefit. 

Professional livestock carriers are using effluent tanks to reduce public hazard and biosecurity risks. The issue remains once collected what can the driver do with the waste when the tank fills up? 

The Australian Livestock Transport Association identified the TSRC as an opportunity to invest in an effluent facility and President Ian Wild is calling on “Queensland Government and Local Councils to commence planning for the construction and funding of managed roadside disposal sites for livestock effluent in South East Queensland”. Read the full article here

The issue of tolls has been hotly debated since the TRSC construction was announced. Queensland Trucking Association CEO Gary Mahon has been unwavering in his pursuit of the government to commit to a toll industry can work with. 

‘I am pleased to be able to tell you that Minister Bailey and the Palaszczuk Government have clearly listened and today have announced the toll arrangements which are a good result particularly the dropping of the super heavy (multi-combinations) toll proposal.’ Gary Mahon said

The freight industry has responded favourably to the $22.85 toll for all heavy trucks/combinations over 4.5 tonne as it is very comparable to the Gateway Motorway rate.

The Hon. Minister Mark Bailey MP has indicated the toll is unlikely to cover the annual maintenance cost leaving the government with an ongoing commitment. For the first three months, the TRSC will be free for all to use. For detailed information the Minister’s press release can be accessed  here and Transport and Main Roads website here.

QTLC welcomes new CEO

QTLC welcomes new CEO

Queensland Transport and Logistics Council Chairman Neil Findlay welcomed in new Chief Executive Officer Renata Berglas (pictured) this week. Renata is taking over the role following Charles Burkes’ move back to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to head up the team transitioning the Queensland Agriculture Colleges.   

Renata brings with her a wealth of skills in industry engagement, issue identification and navigating government to achieve results. Her previous roles in the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and AgForce Queensland Farmers provide a strong base in policy development and application. She has found pathways to progress industry issues, amend legislation to facilitate competitive markets and collaborated with Government on biosecurity strategy development and action planning from industries perspective. 

Queensland is a net commodity exporter with 85 per cent of this being coal and the next largest commodity exported is beef. Where coal has a direct freight task to port, reliable supply and dedicated rail slots, beef is complex often intermodal and unique. The movement of live cargo hauled by small one truck businesses through to large scale operations, from breeding property, to fattening and on to processing facilities primarily in the South East of the state. Followed by truck transportation of finished product through to the port. 

    “Facilitating agricultural freight networks is my comfortable place and I am looking forward to expanding my horizons with general freight in this role.” Renata said.

    “The QTLC is in a good space with a new strategic plan, and engagement strategy. We are focused on growing our stakeholder base and delivering value to industry participants. QTLC is primed and ready to take on new challenges build partnerships and grow.” Neil said 

Added to this the Government has now released the much anticipated Queensland Freight Strategy – Advancing Freight in Queensland and plans to develop a two year rolling action plan. There are clear opportunities in the strategy to leverage industry investment and facilitate improved freight outcomes, and QTLC is in a unique position to facilitate engagement and articulate the issues. 

    “I am looking forward to seizing all opportunities to work with industry, identifying constraints in the system and collaborating with government to find public private answers to Queensland freight task.” Renata said

QTLC Representation

QTLC Representation

  • Central Queensland Transport Supply Chain Forum
  • Rail Freight Use by Agriculture and Livestock Industries Public Hearing
  • Meeting with Minister– Department of Transport and Main Roads.
  • Meeting with Assistant Minister Jamie Briggs – Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development and Mr David Whitrow, Chief of Staff, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss
  • QTLC Members Meeting
  • QTLC Board Meeting
  • Australian Freight Council Meeting
  • Submission to Australian Government for ongoing funding for freight councils

QTLC Representation

5th Annual Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference 6 -7 May 2014

The 5th Annual Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference provides delegates with an opportunity to discuss the topics and issues that impact delivering and maintaining Queensland’s transport infrastructure.

As an endorser of the Conference this year the QTLC looks forward to supporting an event that provides a forum for discussions around prevailing transport infrastructure issues including; evaluating prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure projects.

Attendees will hear presentations and case studies from distinguished experts discussing the latest news and developments relevant to the transport industry.

For further information about the Conference and to register please CLICK HERE.

QTLC Representation

Northern Australia white paper underway

THE Premiers of Queensland and Western Australia and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory recently agreed to join a new Strategic Partnership to inform the development and implementation of Australia’s first Northern Australia White Paper.

Northern Australia is broadly defined as the parts of Australia north of the Tropic of Capricorn, spanning Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland; an area of approximately three million square kilometres with a population of around one million people.

The White Paper will set out a clear, well-defined and timely policy platform for promoting the development of Northern Australia with a view to more investment, infrastructure, jobs and services, , including a plan for implementing these policies over the next two, five, 10 and 20 years..

The White Paper will provide pathways to harness opportunities which capitalise on the region’s strengths, including ways to advance trade, cultural and investment links with the Asia Pacific region, and to provide the best regulatory and economic environment for business.  It will also identify the critical infrastructure needed to support the long-term growth of the region, ways to incentivise public and private planning and investment while tackling impediments to growth.

The Strategic Partnership will be supported by an Advisory Group made up of business, community and Indigenous leaders of the north. This group will meet for the first time in the coming months.

A Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia has also been formed, chaired by the Hon Warren Entsch MP, which is making a valuable contribution to the Government’s agenda for the north. This Committee will commence community consultation next month and report to Parliament in July.

Aligning with the focus of the White Paper on Developing Northern Australia, the QTLC is engaging with government to highlight the importance of increasing access along the Inland Freight Corridor to deliver productivity and safety benefits for the movement of livestock, agricultural commodities and general freight between South East and Far North Queensland.

The government will produce a White Paper on Developing Northern Australia within 12 months.  More information regarding the White Paper can be found at