by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
The QTLC is conducting a Rail Forum that will provide an opportunity for government and industry Government to work collaboratively to identify and respond to challenges that impact on the efficient movement of rail freight.
The forum will explore options for the long term planning and management of rail freight services for freight users and operators as well as give visibility to issues affecting freight movement on rail.
Issues covered at the forum will include:
• Demand for freight rails service
• Factors impacting modal share and shift
• Constraints to the efficient movement of freight by rail
• Connectivity of the road/rail freight network
• Options for maximising existing rail infrastructure and potential infrastructure upgrades
The QTLC Rail forum is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013. If you would like to contribute to the forum’s discussions please contact Nicki Milios –
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
The QTLC is developing a report, aimed at making strategic and operational recommendations to improve the development and sustainability of efficient and productive supply chains in Queensland.
To achieve interconnectivity of supply chains, a better integration of modes is integral. The machination of freight is complex and actions to address impediments need to take into consideration upstream and downstream impacts.
The Strengthening Queensland’s Supply Chains 2013-2015 report will critique freight transport and logistics issues according to relevant factors including but not limited to:
• Mode
• Industry
• Key supply chains
• Freight networks and corridors
• Governance
• Regulation and reform
• Infrastructure planning and prioritisation
• Investment and charging models
The report will make recommendations to improve supply chain productivity in Queensland.
It is anticipated that the draft version of the Strengthening Queensland’s Supply Chain report will be available in early 2013 and circulated to industry for feedback and comment.
by S M G | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2012 was introduced into Queensland Parliament on 13 November 2012 and is expected to be passed in early 2013 depending on the Government’s parliamentary priorities.
This Amendment Bill deals with a range of policy and technical matters that remained unresolved at the time the first Bill was introduced in August 2012, and will in effect replace that legislation. Prior to its passage through Queensland Parliament, the Bill will be reviewed by the Transport, Housing and Local Government Parliamentary Committee.
Passage of the second Amendment Bill allows other states and territories to enact the legislation in their Parliaments, with the aim of establishing a consistent regulatory framework, by July 2013.
Once the law is in place, the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) will dispense with 360 existing variations to heavy vehicle regulations, effectively cutting; costs, red tape and inconsistencies for the Australia road transport industry.
by Nic ki | Dec 7, 2012 | Latest News
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulatory (NHVR) Board Chair Bruce Baird, recently announced the appointment of the NHVR’s CEO, Richard Hancock. Previously, Mr. Hancock was the Project Director of the NHVR office responsible for the establishment of the NHVR Project Office. As Project Director, Richard has managed the development and implementation of the new NHVR national system and coordinated activities across all jurisdictions.
Richard has held Chief Executive and Project Manager positions and has extensive experience in transport and roads strategy, policy and regulation across Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. He has demonstrated strong leadership and has a proven record in establishing strong partnering relationships.
Richard’s appointment is timely with the NHVR due to commence its administration of National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme and Performance Based Standards services on a national basis on 21 January 2013.
by S M G | Oct 16, 2012 | Latest News
The National Transport Commission is hosting a series of interactive invite-only roundtable forums with international port and supply chain experts to promote cohesion across port supply chains and improve productivity and practice.
The Brisbane forum will be held on the 29th October at the Port of Brisbane. For more information on the event or how to register, please download this flyer.
by QTLC Admin | Aug 3, 2012 | Latest News
The new structure for the Department of Transport and Main Roads was unveiled yesterday by Director-General, Michael Caltabiano.
The “logical” re-structure of the Department has seen an alignment of operational and policy functions related to freight transport and logistics and a renewed emphasis on integrating policy, planning and investment to support and sustain a productive, safe and efficient freight transport network.
Adopting a truly multi-modal approach, the Rail, Ports and Freight division will be renamed the Roads, Rail and Freight Systems Management Branch and will be responsible for defining and promoting a safe, efficient and effective road, port and rail freight system.
Within the Policy, Planning and Investment division, the Roads, Rail and Freight Systems Management Branch will work closely with the Portfolio Investment and Programming Branch and the Policy and Planning Branch to ensure that investments in the transport network are aligned with long term strategic planning for better freight and logistics outcomes.
“The new structure demonstrates Minister Emerson’s and Director-General Caltabiano’s recognition that efficient supply chains and productive freight movements, as well as strategic and coordinated infrastructure investment, is required to ensure that the economic benefits tied to new four pillar economy are realised” said QTLC Chair, Neil Findlay.
“Re-alignment of freight transport functions well places the Department to meet the challenges associated with a growing, yet constrained, freight task”
The announcement of the Department’s restructure follows the QTLC Freight Future Forum held on the 18th July 2012.
Minister Emerson and Director-General Caltabiano attended the Forum and meaningfully engaged with senior representatives from organisations critical to Queensland’s supply chains on a range of freight transport and logistics matters. A Communique from the event will be issued shortly.
“During the Forum, the Minister and Director-General clearly indicated the value they place on freight and a willingness to work with industry to strengthen the freight transport network and this evident in the alignment of freight functions in Department” said Mr Findlay.
“The QTLC will continue to be the conduit between government and the freight transport and logistics industry to influence policy, regulation, infrastructure planning and investment to achieve sustainable and productive supply chains”.