Board Members

Neil Findlay
Board Member
Neil Findlay owned and operated Australian transport and logistics businesses for over 30 years until their sale in 2007.
These businesses won multiple, often repeat State & National awards in the government & private sectors in fields such as training, industry excellence & quarantine. Confidant of the Chairman – and other directors; provider of guidance in directorial duties & responsibilities
He has been a director of the Australian Trucking Association, NatRoad and Chair of TruckSafe.
Neil, an active speaker and writer has travelled extensively in third world countries undertaking relief & support work, and remains heavily involved in Not-For Profit fields spanning youth rehabilitation through to aged care.
He is currently:
- A Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport.
- Deputy Chair of the Performance Based Standards Review Panel.
- An active residential property investor.
- Director of Circadian Australia, Used Trailers and Yukana Retirement Village.

Andrew Rankine
Board Member
Andrew Rankine was previously employed by the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd as the Logistics Manager. He has broad and varied experience in the transport and logistics industry, having held senior positions in the trucking, rail and port industries over the last 20 years, including roles in the McIver Corporation Pty Ltd, McIver Transport Pty Ltd, the Australian Trucking Association, and Queensland Rail.
He is Chairman of the Port of Brisbane Landside Logistics Forum, and until recently, Chairman of the Ports Australia Logistics Working group.
Andrew also has considerable experience in the development and operation of innovative high productivity vehicles.
Prior to 1992, Andrew served for 23 years in the Regular Army as an artillery officer.
Andrew is a graduate of the Royal Military College, Duntroon and the Army Command and Staff College, Queenscliff, Victoria. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Military) from the University of New South Wales, and a Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting from the University of Canberra.

Andrew Higgins
Board Member
Andrew is a Team Leader in CSIRO Land & Water. Andrew currently leads the development and application of Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT), which include major initiatives in the Northern Australia and Agriculture Competitiveness White Papers. He also has a key role in leading complex multi-disciplinary projects in transport logistics, energy efficiency modelling and policy analysis, agriculture supply chains, and resource planning for bushfire management.
Andrew has worked closely with a broad range of stakeholders in state and federal government, electricity utilities and agricultural enterprises, through the 40+ plus project that Andrew has led or been involved in. Andrew’s research has achieved both internationally recognised science innovation and impact. He has published over 60 scientific journal articles and over 55 conference papers, and has a ResearcherID H-Index of 17. Andrew’s technical interests include:
– Modelling and optimising complex industry and infrastructure systems, particularly with rail transport planning and logistics, agriculture supply chains, water grids, river flow control infrastructure and intermodal transport.
– Developing and implement new methods in choice diffusion modelling to forecast the future uptake of solar PV+ batteries, electric vehicles and appliances under different electricity price tariffs and government incentives
– Developing innovative decision support tools for land use planning, fire crew resource planning under climate change and water resource management, accommodating the spatial and stochastic nature of the problem.
– Developing pathways leading to implementation of models and optimal/ alternative solutions so that the benefits are delivered to industry.

Neil Scales
Board Member
After 40 plus years of experience in the public, private and manufacturing sectors, Neil is now semi-retired and has shifted his focus to consultation and advising boards on all matters engineering, transport, leadership, and change management.
He is passionate about life-long learning, First Nations issues, and mentoring others and aims to continue to contribute in these areas.
As well, Neil is currently on the High Speed Rail Authority as a board member. He is also currently the Deputy Chair of the Australian Road Research Board and a board member of the Tourism and Transport Forum, Police- Citizens Youth Clubs (PCYC) Queensland and the Queensland Transport and Logistics Council.
Prior to semi-retirement, Neil was Director-General of the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Queensland for over a decade, where he proudly championed accessibility, safety, and domestic and family violence awareness. He was also the Government Champion for the Woorabinda Indigenous community – a role he was deeply passionate about.
Before moving to Australia, Neil was one of the United Kingdom’s most senior public transport executives. He was Chief Executive and Director-General of Merseytravel, the transport authority for Merseyside in the north of England.

Paul Kahlert
Board Member
Paul Kahlert started his transport career as a 19 year old working for a freight forwarder at Expo 88.
A conversation at Expo 88 with the owner of All Purpose Transport (APT) led to a job offer helping to set up a new computer system whilst completing his university degree.
Paul is still at APT and has now held the role of General Manager for 20 years after working his way through the business in various roles including finance, operations and sales. Under Paul’s leadership, APT introduced the first electric delivery truck into Queensland and now has ten zero emission vehicles performing last mile services in Brisbane.
Paul specialises in strategic planning, project management, workforce development and now a new skill in pandemic crisis management . In 2015 Paul undertook a formal study fellowship awarded by the ISS Institute where he reported on best practice on workforce development within logistics companies in the US.
In 2012 APT was the first transport company to skill its entire workforce in a Certificate III or higher nationally recognised qualification. 11 years on over 500 workers have received formal qualifications in their field of expertise through this program.
APT has operated in the Queensland market for more than 48 years and has its headquarters in an 18,000m2 facility in Berrinba (Logan). Its customer base includes IKEA, Rheem, Castrol ,Fantastic Furniture, Goodyear and Cotton-On.

Lauren Hewitt
CEO & Company Secretary
Lauren has demonstrated ability to liaise, interpret and mediate between parties facing critical environmental challenges. This has included work in project development for Queensland’s energy producers as well as GM Policy of Queensland’s peak agricultural body, AgForce.
In 2015, Lauren was awarded Queensland Rural Woman of the Year. Lauren applies her skills considering and improving the efficiency and footprint of the freight sector as CEO of the Queensland Transport and Logistics Council.
Working Groups
The activities of the QTLC and the advice the Council provides to Government are shaped and supported by the contributions of key freight and industry stakeholders through their membership and participation in QTLC Working Groups.
The Working Groups are convened as needed in response to critical issues related to Access and Regulation; Infrastructure and Planning; and Intermodal matters.
Industry are invited to to join the QTLC as members and participate in the Working Groups. As a member of the Working Group Register, you will be called upon from time to time to provide advice and expertise on issues relevant to your industry and/or organisation.
Your contribution will help shape the QTLC’s advice as we work with TMR to address current and emerging issues impacting the efficient and productive movement of freight.
Please direct any membership enquiries to