5th Annual Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference 6 -7 May 2014

5th Annual Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference 6 -7 May 2014

The 5th Annual Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference provides delegates with an opportunity to discuss the topics and issues that impact delivering and maintaining Queensland’s transport infrastructure.

As an endorser of the Conference this year the QTLC looks forward to supporting an event that provides a forum for discussions around prevailing transport infrastructure issues including; evaluating prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure projects.

Attendees will hear presentations and case studies from distinguished experts discussing the latest news and developments relevant to the transport industry.

For further information about the Conference and to register please CLICK HERE.

5th Annual Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference 6 -7 May 2014

Northern Australia white paper underway

THE Premiers of Queensland and Western Australia and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory recently agreed to join a new Strategic Partnership to inform the development and implementation of Australia’s first Northern Australia White Paper.

Northern Australia is broadly defined as the parts of Australia north of the Tropic of Capricorn, spanning Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland; an area of approximately three million square kilometres with a population of around one million people.

The White Paper will set out a clear, well-defined and timely policy platform for promoting the development of Northern Australia with a view to more investment, infrastructure, jobs and services, , including a plan for implementing these policies over the next two, five, 10 and 20 years..

The White Paper will provide pathways to harness opportunities which capitalise on the region’s strengths, including ways to advance trade, cultural and investment links with the Asia Pacific region, and to provide the best regulatory and economic environment for business.  It will also identify the critical infrastructure needed to support the long-term growth of the region, ways to incentivise public and private planning and investment while tackling impediments to growth.

The Strategic Partnership will be supported by an Advisory Group made up of business, community and Indigenous leaders of the north. This group will meet for the first time in the coming months.

A Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia has also been formed, chaired by the Hon Warren Entsch MP, which is making a valuable contribution to the Government’s agenda for the north. This Committee will commence community consultation next month and report to Parliament in July.

Aligning with the focus of the White Paper on Developing Northern Australia, the QTLC is engaging with government to highlight the importance of increasing access along the Inland Freight Corridor to deliver productivity and safety benefits for the movement of livestock, agricultural commodities and general freight between South East and Far North Queensland.

The government will produce a White Paper on Developing Northern Australia within 12 months.  More information regarding the White Paper can be found at http://northernaustralia.dpmc.gov.au/.

Cutting livestock transport costs: CSIRO

Cutting livestock transport costs: CSIRO

A significant upgrade to Queensland’s inland highway network could substantially reduce transport costs for the livestock industry, new research from Australia’s scientific research body has found.

The CSIRO has developed a suite of mapping tools to analyse the worth of small and large infrastructure projects to the livestock sector.

It found that upgrading 510km of highway between Clermont and Roma to accommodate type 2 road trains and removing tick clearing requirements for cattle being taken to slaughter could save the industry $75.6 million – a 19 per cent reduction in livestock transport costs.

The tools also found that building a new abattoir at Darwin could provide a $13.2 million dollar fillip to seven Northern Territory property owners, who currently send cattle an average of 2,047km to Queensland abattoirs. The CSIRO says the new abattoir would reduce average distance travelled to 835km.

The CSIRO spent two years developing the tools, which incorporate data from more than 50,000 properties, 88,000 origin to destination combinations and more than 1.5 million recorded vehicle movements.

The tools take into account truck configuration, livestock weight and changing road conditions.

Queensland, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and the Federal Government funded the research to address a shortfall in information on infrastructure investment.

 The report Livestock Industry Logistics: Optimising Industry Capital Investment and Operations and the suite of tools are available online at www.csiro.au/livestocklogistics

Productivity Commission inquiry into public infrastructure: Draft report released

In 2013, the Australian Government initiated an inquiry into ways to encourage private financing and funding for major infrastructure projects, including issues relating to the high cost and the long lead times associated with these projects.

Undertaken by the Productivity Commission, the inquiry considered costs, competitiveness and productivity in the provision of nationally significant economic infrastructure and examined ways to:

  • address any barriers to private sector financing, including assessing the role and efficacy of alternative infrastructure funding and financing mechanisms, and to recommend mechanisms and operating principles to overcome such barriers;
  • reduce infrastructure construction costs.

A draft report released by the Productivity Commission on the 13th March 2014 has identified an abundance of flaws, mythologies and forgone opportunities in infrastructure financing, funding and procurement.

The Commission draft outlines a proposed process for improving infrastructure investment across all levels of government; and as a consequence attracting increased private investment.

The Commission also proposes to examine further a number of potential improvements to financing mechanisms for infrastructure, including options proposed to address specific concerns related to the role of superannuation funds in greenfields projects.

The report specifically devotes thought to road user pricing, both the scope for institutional reform and the opportunities for future pricing of new and upgraded roads investment.

On infrastructure costs, the draft report finds these could be significantly reduced through the adoption of better practice procurement processes by governments.

The Commission is seeking written feedback on the draft report by 4 April, and will hold public hearings in early April. A final report will be provided to the Australian Government in late May 2014.

Further information can be found on the Productivity Commission’s website http://www.pc.gov.au/projects/inquiry/infrastructure/draft.

ARTC to investigate incorporating Queensland into national rail network

THE Federal and Queensland Government have agreed to investigate incorporating.

On 25th February, Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss and Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson announced an investigation into expanding the ARTC’s 8,500km national network to incorporate Queensland’s regional rail network.

The ARTC was created as a one-stop shop for Commonwealth and State Governments in 1997 and is responsible for 8500kms of track in Australia.  This includes a 94km section between the NSW border and Acacia Ridge, which was transferred to the ARTC in 2010.

Mr Emerson said ARTC officers would begin working with Queensland Rail staff immediately and would report back to the Queensland and Federal governments by mid-year.

The Queensland rail freight network includes about 6600km of track outside south-east Queensland.