Minister launches Integrated Freight Strategy for Qld

Minister launches Integrated Freight Strategy for Qld

Minister Plaszczuk at IFSQ Launch with QTLC Directors Mark Johnston and Peter Garske



9 December 2011

Queensland’s first freight strategy released

Queensland’s crucial freight system has taken a historic step forward today with the release of the first Integrated Freight Strategy, mapping the future of the industry which is critical to the state economy.
Transport Minister Annastacia Palaszczuk said the strategy represented a comprehensive path forward for the state’s freight system.
“If we don’t enhance the movement of freight in Queensland, we don’t keep the economy running at full steam so the release of this first strategy today is a major step forward in supporting economic growth,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
“The Integrated Freight Strategy provides clear direction for improving Queensland’s freight system, as well as analysing how we can maximise the output from the existing transport system.
“Queensland’s population is growing rapidly, with 100,000 new residents calling Queensland home every year and the current population forecast to grow by over two million people by 2031.
“In 2009 the estimated freight volume in Queensland was 865 million tonnes a year- by 2031 the expected growth in freight tonnage is estimated to be between 1.8 billion to 2.2 billion tonnes a year
“This extraordinary growth will lead to increasing demand for freight, placing pressure on the transport system and potentially impacting on the competitiveness of Queensland industry – it’s critical that we manage this growth in freight effectively.
“This strategy is about getting on the front foot with this growing freight movement and putting actions in place to deal with it.”
Main Roads and Marine Infrastructure Minister Craig Wallace said the strategy was developed by Transport and Main Roads after extensive consultation including input from the industry.
“The strategy will inform government policy, regulation and investment and influence industry operations and decisions,” Mr Wallace said.
“The strategy also reflects the importance of the relationship and linkages at the national, regional and local level of our total transport system and will inform Queensland’s input to the Commonwealth’s draft National Land Freight Strategy discussion paper, as well as freight-related interaction with local Government.
“The strategy provides a high-level framework to inform the development of more efficient freight solutions for the future. Ultimately, those solutions must be safe, affordable and environmentally sustainable.
“It encourages a more integrated approach to delivering freight solutions in Queensland and outlines clear areas of focus and specific actions.
“Importantly, the strategy will ensure that Queensland is well positioned to meet freight challenges and opportunities now and into the future.
“This strategy will also inform future whole-of-government freight planning, collaboration with industry and other levels of government and will contribute to improved freight outcomes and prosperity for Queensland.”
Mark Johnston, Director and Deputy Chair Queensland Trucking and Logistics Council said “This is a very important document, it’s a long time coming and there’s been a lot of effort put into it.”
“It sets the foundation for industry and government to develop and implement strategies for the future.
“It’s a strategy for all of Queensland and it assists in tying all the various interests together.
Peter Garske, CEO of Queensland Trucking Association said “The freight task is a critically important part of the state and the nation’s economy.”
“Therefore, it is important that the Queensland Government support the transport and logistics council in the design, drafting and more importantly in the implementation of a freight strategy.
“We’re well aware of the drivers of our economy – the resource industry is a critical component of that.
“Their freight demand, whether that be importation through ships, whether it be distribution by road or rail, are functions that need a high level of efficiency and productivity.
“The launch of the freight strategy will help deliver all of those things.”

The Integrated Freight Strategy for Queensland is available on the Transport and Main Roads website at

Media contact:          Minister Palaszczuk’s office           3898 0813