As QTLC activities continue to build momentum, it is cognisant of the need to connect with industry.  To facilitate this, the QTLC has developed a QTLC Industry Associate Membership and is seeking representatives from across industries to engage with the QTLC on issues that impact the efficiency of the freight transport system.

Strengthening the QTLC’s engagement with industry will improve its capacity to provide advice to government that represents the needs of industry.

Industry Associate Members are expected to add value to the sector by collaborating with the QTLC on activities that facilitate the development of efficient, productive and sustainable freight movements and supply chains.  As QTLC Industry Associate Members they will bring their specific industry perspective to issues that have broader implications for the freight and transport industry.

QTLC Industry Associates receive benefits including:

•         Login access to resources on the QTLC website
•         Invitation to QTLC forums and events
•         QTLC Newsletter
•         Consultation on freight transport and logistics matters
•         Input into the development of advice to government on freight transport and logistics issues
•         Opportunities to advertise and profile organisations in QTLC publications and at QTLC events

If you would like to apply to become a QTLC Industry Associate Member CLICK HERE