On the 21st November, NSW Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay MLC released the draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy.

Aiming to provide a framework for industry, all levels of government and stakeholders to guide investment and other decisions to enhance freight logistics in NSW, the draft Strategy identifies a series of actions to achieve network efficiency, capacity and sustainability through government mechanisms including policy reform, program delivery and infrastructure investment.

The draft Strategy also responds to Infrastructure Australia’s National Port Strategy and the National Land Freight Strategy and is consistent with the objectives of the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan.

The draft Strategy was developed following consultation with freight operators, commodity producers and industry representatives from a range of industries across metropolitan and regional NSW.  Community perspectives on topics such as congestion, noise and emissions have also informed the development of freight specific objectives which reflect the importance of the freight transport network for a competitive and productive NSW economy, as well as the need to integrate freight transport with other productive and non-productive activities and land uses.

For more information on the draft NSW Freight and Ports Strategy, or to provide comments, go to http://freightandportsstrategy.transport.nsw.gov.au/

The final Strategy is due to be released in mid 2013.